Goldilocks sight words checklist

Goldilocks sight words checklist is a list of 52 high-frequency words that appear in the estory Goldilocks and her Friends the Three Bears.  The list can be used to check which words the children recognise by sight. Use it before and after lessons based on the estory to ascertain the instruction's effectiveness for developing children's knowledge of …


Goldilocks sight words checklist is a list of 52 high-frequency words that appear in the estory Goldilocks and her Friends the Three Bears

The list can be used to check which words the children recognise by sight. Use it before and after lessons based on the estory to ascertain the instruction’s effectiveness for developing children’s knowledge of sight words.

The list of Goldilocks sight words can be printed and made into small books to support children’s learning. Use of this checklist allows you to make booklets that target the words individual children need to learn.

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